Home » 9 businesses owned by NBA star ‘PG-13’

9 businesses owned by NBA star ‘PG-13’

Exploring his diverse and thriving business empire

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Paul Clifton Anthony George popularly known as PG-13, is an exemplar of athletic brilliance and entrepreneurial acumen, has carved an exceptional niche in the world of professional basketball and beyond. As a prominent figure for the Indiana Pacers and later the Los Angeles Clippers, George’s journey in the NBA is marked not only by multiple All-Star selections but also by his awe-inspiring comeback from a devastating injury in 2014. This narrative, however, only skims the surface of his multifaceted persona. Beyond the glitz of the basketball courts, George has meticulously built a substantial net worth, fueled by his astute business sense, lucrative endorsements, and a significant partnership with Nike. This blend of sportsmanship and business savvy positions him as a formidable influence in both the athletic and commercial realms.

In analyzing George’s financial trajectory, one can’t help but admire his entrepreneurial spirit. His collaboration with Nike stands out, leading to the creation of the PG brand of basketball shoes. This partnership is more than just an endorsement deal; it’s a strategic alliance that taps into George’s brand value, merging it with Nike’s global market presence. The PG line, known for its stylish design and performance features, has not only bolstered George’s earnings but also cemented his status as a fashion icon in sports.

But George’s business ventures extend far beyond the realm of apparel. He has diversified his portfolio through savvy investments and business projects. For instance, George’s interest in technology and innovation has led him to invest in startups that align with his vision for future growth. This forward-thinking approach is indicative of a trend among athletes who leverage their earnings and influence to build lasting business legacies.

His financial endeavors also reflect a keen sense of market trends and consumer behavior, a skill that is crucial in the unpredictable world of business. George’s ability to identify and invest in profitable ventures not only amplifies his wealth but also demonstrates a deep understanding of the economic landscape, making him a role model for athletes aspiring to convert their sports success into business triumphs.

Moreover, George’s impact transcends the confines of business and sports. His involvement in community initiatives shows a commitment to using his platform for societal good. Whether it’s through youth programs, charitable donations, or community development projects, George’s contributions echo his belief in giving back to society, further solidifying his reputation as a conscientious and responsible figure.

George’s story is a compelling tale of resilience, adaptability, and strategic foresight. His ability to bounce back from a career-threatening injury and build a robust financial portfolio exemplifies his multifaceted talent. As he continues to excel on the basketball court, his business ventures and community involvement paint the picture of a well-rounded individual who is not just an athlete but a savvy businessman and a dedicated community leader. His journey is a testament to the potential of blending athletic talent with entrepreneurial spirit, making him an inspiration for the next generation of athletes and entrepreneurs.

Join Billionaires.Africa as we embark on an explorative journey into the diverse and dynamic business portfolio of George. Known for his extraordinary abilities on the basketball court, George has mirrored this excellence in the realm of business, meticulously building a repertoire of investments that span various innovative sectors. Each venture reflects his foresight, adaptability, and commitment to impacting the future through strategic investments.

The Pack Productions

In December 2023, George, together with his sister Teiosha George, launched The Pack Productions. This production company marks George’s foray into the entertainment industry, underscoring his versatile interests. Its premiere project, a docuseries titled “Amongst the Trees,” is already in the works. The Pack Productions symbolizes George’s creative vision, extending his influence from the basketball court to the storytelling realms of media and entertainment.

Tally Labs

Diving into the burgeoning field of Web3, George has invested in Tally Labs, a software-enabled Web3 media business operating at the intersection of technology and media. This venture showcases his keen interest in the evolving digital landscape, particularly in decentralized technologies and their potential to revolutionize content creation and distribution.


Continuing his trend of forward-thinking investments, George has placed his bets on MoonPay, a financial technology firm providing innovative payment solutions for cryptocurrencies. This investment reflects his belief in the future of digital currencies and blockchain technology, positioning him at the forefront of the rapidly evolving fintech industry.


George’s investment portfolio also includes AvantStay, a short-term rental and hospitality startup founded in 2017 by Reuben Doetsch and Sean Breuner. This venture represents a strategic move into the hospitality sector, capitalizing on the growing trend of alternative accommodation and unique travel experiences.

Rumble League Studios

In the realm of gaming and digital entertainment, George has invested in Rumble League Studios. This metaverse gaming company is pushing the boundaries of Web3 technology, play-to-earn gaming, and digital asset ownership. This investment underscores George’s interest in the intersection of technology, gaming, and digital rights, aligning with the next generation of interactive entertainment.

Infinite Objects

George has also made substantial investments in Infinite Objects, a company at the forefront of combining physical collectibles (“Video Prints”) with Web3 integrations for digital content backed by blockchain assets. This venture taps into the growing interest in NFTs and digital art, blending the physical and digital worlds in an innovative way.


Aligning with his athletic background, George, along with other celebrities like Klay Thompson and Serena Williams, has invested in Tonal. This smart home gym utilizes artificial intelligence and expert-led coaching to provide personalized strength training. This investment reflects his commitment to fitness and health technology, showcasing his ability to identify and support innovations that align with his personal and professional values.

Lyra Health

In the healthcare sector, George has invested in Lyra Health, a company focused on providing innovative healthcare services. This investment indicates his interest in contributing to the betterment of public health, recognizing the importance of accessible and effective healthcare solutions.

Impossible Foods

As an eternal optimist and a firm believer in the possibility of transformation, George’s investment in Impossible Foods aligns with his philosophy. This company, known for developing plant-based substitutes for meat products, represents George’s interest in sustainable food solutions and his commitment to environmental conservation.

In conclusion, George’s investment portfolio is a mosaic of futuristic, innovative, and socially conscious ventures. From entertainment and technology to healthcare and sustainable food solutions, his business endeavors reflect a deep understanding of current trends and a commitment to making a positive impact in various sectors. As we delve into these businesses, it becomes evident that George is not just a basketball icon but a visionary entrepreneur with a keen eye for transformative and impactful investments. His story is one of a sports legend transcending his field to become a significant player in the global business landscape.

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