Home » Nigerian billionaire Abdul Samad Rabiu donates $2.5 million to reconstruct mosque

Nigerian billionaire Abdul Samad Rabiu donates $2.5 million to reconstruct mosque

by Mfonobong Nsehe
Abdul Samad Rabiu

Abdul Samad Rabiu, Nigeria’s second-wealthiest individual, has donated NGN 2 billion ($2.5 million) to reconstruct the Zaria Central Mosque. The donation was made during a Saturday fundraising event in Abuja attended by former Nigerian Vice President Namadi Sambo.

A section of the 150-year-old mosque collapsed in August, leading to the death of eight individuals.

“Giving back to society, helping and supporting communities, making positive impacts, and aiding those in need is very close to my heart. This is what I aim to continue doing in the future, God willing,” Rabiu said at the event.

Rabiu, founder of the BUA Group, is one of Africa’s notable philanthropists. In 2021, he established ASR Africa, a nonprofit aiming for sustainable solutions to developmental challenges in Africa’s healthcare, education, and social sectors. Since its start in 2021, the group has committed $100 million to its initiatives, marking its intent to be a significant philanthropic presence in Africa.

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