Home » Ghanaian tycoon Joseph Agyepong to build 13 wastewater treatment facilities in Ghana

Ghanaian tycoon Joseph Agyepong to build 13 wastewater treatment facilities in Ghana

by Omokolade Ajayi

Ghana-based Jospong Group of Companies (JGC) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Hungarian government and Pureco Kft, a Hungarian wastewater technology leader, to build wastewater treatment plants in 13 Ghanaian regions.

JGC is one of Ghana’s most diversified holding companies, with operations in Africa and Asia. The group is led by Joseph Agyepong, a leading Ghanaian businessman who founded the holding in 1995.

Since 2017, it has taken advantage of investment opportunities between Ghana and Hungary to initiate numerous consultations with private-sector companies in Hungary, especially Pureco Kft.

In line with the existing arrangement with Pureco Kft and Agyepong’s group, the Hungarian government has devoted a €70-million loan facility to the wastewater treatment plants project in an effort to fast-track the construction of new facilities in the country’s regions.

The coming on stream of these new facilities, which will provide a huge boost to the country’s infrastructure, will complement existing solid waste treatment facilities in the country.

Agyepong noted that the strategic collaboration with the Hungarian government will ensure that all Ghana’s regions benefit from the project, adding that JGC has already launched discussions to conclude a memorandum with Pureco.

Hungarian President Janos Ader said his government is committed to using its innovative technologies to help Ghana deal with sanitation challenges.

Recall that last year, a 1,000-cubic-meter-per-day wastewater treatment plant was commissioned in Ghana in collaboration with Pureco Kft and JGC.

The plant has the capacity to serve more than 2 million people in Ghana’s Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area.

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