Home » South African-born billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong gains $220 million

South African-born billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong gains $220 million

by Mfonobong Nsehe
Patrick Soon-Shiong

Renowned South African-born billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to cancer treatment, has experienced a substantial boost in his financial status, accumulating $220 million in just nine days.

According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which tracks the wealth of the world’s most affluent individuals, Soon-Shiong’s net worth has increased by $220 million in the past nine days, rising from $8.34 billion on Oct. 4 to $8.56 billion.

This recent surge in his fortune equates to an average gain of $24.4 million per day, propelling him beyond the $8.5-billion milestone. It further solidifies his standing as one of Africa’s wealthiest billionaires and underscores his influential role in the global healthcare sector.

Over the past nine months, Soon-Shiong faced a challenging period, with his year-to-date losses approaching $600 million. However, this recent gain of $220 million has trimmed his year-to-date loss to $377 million.

At the time of drafting this report, Soon-Shiong held the 257th position on the global list of the richest individuals. He follows closely behind fellow South African billionaire Nicky Oppenheimer, whose net worth is currently $9 billion.

One of the key contributors to Soon-Shiong’s billion-dollar fortune is his 80-percent majority stake in ImmunityBio, a late-stage immunotherapy company at the forefront of developing cutting-edge cell and immunotherapy products.

His stake in the Nasdaq-listed company presently boasts a market value of $414 million, highlighting its substantial impact on his financial success.

Soon-Shiong’s remarkable financial resurgence showcases his entrepreneurial prowess and reaffirms his status as a vital player in the ever-evolving field of healthcare and biotechnology.

His contributions to cancer treatment and innovative ventures continue to shape the landscape of global healthcare, making him a notable figure in the industry.

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