Home » South African tycoon Johan Burger gains $4.4 million from FirstRand stake

South African tycoon Johan Burger gains $4.4 million from FirstRand stake

by Mfonobong Nsehe
Johan Burger

South African businessman Johan Burger has seen a substantial boost in his net worth, driven by a significant surge in the market value of his stake in FirstRand, Africa’s most valuable financial services group.

According to data tracked by Billionaires.Africa, the market value of Burger’s stake in FirstRand has surged by R75.18 million ($4.4 million) in the past 100 days, thanks to sustained buying interest in the group’s shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

FirstRand, with its integrated financial services portfolio comprising FNB, RMB, WesBank, and Aldermore, dominates the African financial services sector in terms of market capitalization. The conglomerate operates actively in South Africa, the UK, and various regional markets within Sub-Saharan Africa.

Johan Burger, who has been a director at FirstRand since 2009, owns a beneficial 0.110-percent stake, or 6,000,000 ordinary shares, in the leading financial services group.

Since May 30, FirstRand shares have increased from R 59.47 ($3.10) on May 30 to R72.00 ($3.750) on Sept. 7, accruing a total gain of 21.07 percent to its shareholders and propelling its market capitalization above $21 billion.

This double-digit increase in the lender’s shares has caused the market value of Johann Burger’s stake in FirstRand to increase by R75.18 million ($4.4 million) since May 30, climbing from R356.82 million ($18.14 million) in a span of 99 days to R432.00 million ($22.49 million) at the time of drafting this report.

The $4.35-million surge in the market value of Burger’s holdings cements his status as a dominant force in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and underscores his standing as one of South Africa’s top executives. 

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