Home » Egyptian billionaire Nassef Sawiris, partner inject $25 million into Aston Villa

Egyptian billionaire Nassef Sawiris, partner inject $25 million into Aston Villa

by Yusuf Abdulfatai
Nassef Sawiris

Egyptian billionaire Nassef Sawiris and Wes Edens, who own Aston Villa football club, have injected £20 million into the club through a new share issue, according to a news report by Football Insider.

A Companies House submission on Thursday (30 March) – which was backdated to the previous Tuesday (March 21) – shows that Villa have allotted 20 million shares at £1 each.

It is the fifth time in seven months that the club has sold shares to outside investors, who have put in a total of £118.5 million.

The cash is interest-free and likely to be used to fund day-to-day operational activities.

It shows that the club’s owners are still committed to getting money from outside sources while the club works to make money in the long run.

In 2021-22, Villa made a profit of £400,000. This was the club’s first profit since Edens and Nassef Sawiris bought it in 2018. It was also the first profit under any owner since 2002.

That surplus, which was largely due to the sale of academy product Jack Grealish to Man City for a club-record £100 million, followed losses of £99.5 million and £68.9 million in the previous two financial years, which were both affected by COVID019.

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