Home » Zambian multimillionaire mogul James Ndambo ventures into business aviation

Zambian multimillionaire mogul James Ndambo ventures into business aviation

by Mfonobong Nsehe

James Ndambo, one of Zambia’s wealthiest and most prominent businessmen, has made a foray into the private aviation sector.

Ndambo is the founder of Africa Union Holdings, a diversified investment holding company with interests in commodity trading, real estate, logistics and mining.

According to a report by Newsaero, Africa Union Holdings recently acquired a McDonnell Douglas aircraft, which will be used to launch a private jet charter company catering to VIPs in Southern Africa.

The 67-year-old Johannesburg-based tycoon joins a league of African UHNWIs who own private jet charter businesses, including Burkinabe construction mogul Mahamadou Bonkoungou, South African billionaire Nicky Oppenheimer and Beninoise oilman Samuel Dossou-Aworet, among several others.

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