Crucial role of governance in African family businesses: Lessons from the German Mittelstand
Mutendi explores the importance of governance in African family businesses.
Mutendi explores the importance of governance in African family businesses.
Mutendi outlines the critical role of governance and estate planning in family enterprises.
Mutendi believes that the success stories of Africa’s leading family businesses could make for fascinating cinema.
Mutendi offers some key factors to consider when developing a model framework for African family businesses in line with the ACFTA.
Mutendi argues that African wealth managers need to catch up to their international peers.
Mutendi offers tips and ideas on how VC funds can approach family offices.
Exit strategies include acquisition, merger, IPO, cash cow, selling to a friend, or shutting down operations.
Simply put, one of the keys to the success of a big business and the most integral part of the business is the family.
Succession in the Steward family business type comes with little conflict.
The Eternus family business, like the James Bond type, is led by an authoritarian family leader.
In the James Bond family business type, the sole family member in the business is the founder.
The biggest challenges for family businesses in Africa have to do with the family system and not with the business system.
The continent’s future is influenced by those who hold the wealth and resources — and their motives.
Several governments are still contemplating whether it should even be legalized.
The past three years have had a massive global impact, in which the healthcare industry has become the center of all focus.