Home » South African businessman Jonathan Jawno gains $15.8 million as shares in Transaction Capital surge

South African businessman Jonathan Jawno gains $15.8 million as shares in Transaction Capital surge

by Mfonobong Nsehe

South African multimillionaire businessman and leading executive Jonathan Jawno has seen the market value of his stake in Transaction Capital increase by a single-digit percentage, leading to a R245.6-million ($15.8 million) gain for the executive in the past 12 days.

Transaction Capital is a South Africa-based financial services group specializing in asset-backed lending and niche risk services in South Africa. It operates as a non-deposit-taking financial services company with active operations in South Africa and Australia.

Jawno, who is a founding member and an executive director in the group, controls a substantial 10.08-percent stake in the investment holding, which amounts to 72,667,000 ordinary shares.

His stake in the group makes him the second-largest shareholder behind Africa’s largest fund manager, Public Investment Corporation.

As of this morning, Jan. 12, shares in Transaction Capital on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange were trading at a price of R48.41 ($3.12). This is 3.33-percent higher than their opening price on Tues., Jan. 11.

At the current price, the market capitalization of the South Africa-based financial services group is estimated at R34.91 billion ($2.25 billion), while Jawno’s stake is valued at R3.52 billion ($226.72 million), making him one of the wealthiest investors on the local bourse.

Since the start of 2022, shares in the leading lender have increased from a share price of R45.03 ($2.902) on Dec. 31, 2021 to R48.41 ($3.12) on Jan. 12. This translates to a 7.51-percent gain for shareholders.

As a result of the price bump, the market value of the executive’s stake has risen from R3.27 billion ($210.89 million) 12 days ago to R3.52 billion ($226.72 million) as of the time of the drafting of this report. This led to a R245.6-million ($15.8 million) gain for the multimillionaire.

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