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Patrice Motsepe’s bold move to transform African football with the African Club Association

Discover how Patrice Motsepe’s leadership in the CAF is setting a new course for African football through the innovative African Club Association.

Patrice Motsepe
Patrice Motsepe

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With the phenomenal Patrice Motsepe at the helm of affairs, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) – Africa’s football governing body, is set to unveil The African Club Association (ACA). This move is part of innovative efforts to propel continental football in clubs and national leagues across the continent.

Motsepe, who became the president of CAF earlier in March 2023 has pledged to amplify the competitiveness and global appeal of African football. The ACA, conceived by the Motsepe-led leadership, hopes to greatly impact the profitability and operational conditions of top flight clubs on the continent.

ACA is scheduled to be launched on Nov. 30, 2023, and will be based in Kenya. ACA will incorporate the top 80 elite clubs according to CAF rankings. Not neglecting inclusion, ACA will also have 15 women’s clubs in Africa among its ranks. The women’s club will be selected based on  the revelations of Al Watan, an Egyptian publication.

The main objectives of the ACA are to:

  • Increase the revenue and sponsorships of elite African clubs to further improve their competitiveness

– Improve the standards of stadiums, facilities and infrastructure to world class levels

– Enhance the quality and professionalism of club management and administration to global standards

– Promote the interests and welfare of players and coaches at the highest levels

– Strengthen the cooperation and solidarity among African clubs

– Represent African clubs in CAF and FIFA matters

The ACA will  constitute its own executive committee, general assembly, statutes and regulations. The membership of the association will be voluntary and open to any eligible club that expresses written intent to join the body.

This initiative is one of the significant and ambitious strides expected of Motsepe to revitalize African club football. The rejuvenation of African club football is critical in turning around the historical laxity that has plagued the sport compared to other regions in resources and performance. The ACA, if successful, will instill stability, transparency, and professionalism in the African club football landscape, offering clubs and players more opportunities and incentives for excellence and stellar performance.

Moreover, the ACA intends to stimulate international collaboration among African club entities and those from the global north and south. The body will champion the rights and interests of African clubs in key CAF and FIFA decisions and policy making, including but not limited to the allocation of slots and funds for continental and global competitions.

ACA’s inauguration will be a hopeful and monumental event for African football. This move, exemplary of Motsepe’s visionary leadership and business acumen, offers a platform for African clubs to shatter the glass ceiling of previous limitations.
