South African tech mogul Jens Montanana gains $17.6 million from Datatec stake

Jens Montanana, a renowned South African tech tycoon and one of Africa’s top tech entrepreneurs, continues to ride the wave of success as his stake in multinational technology firm Datatec experiences a significant increase.

Building on the surge in his fortune earlier this year, Montanana has seen the market value of his stake rise by R320.23 million ($17.6 million) since the start of the year.

Thanks to the sustained increase in the share price of Datatec on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Montanana, who already ranks as one of the wealthiest investors on the local bourse, has witnessed an impressive boost in his wealth.

Since Jan. 1, Datatec shares have soared by 32.4 percent, reaching R41.06 ($2.26) on June 16. This surge has pushed the company’s market capitalization above R9 billion ($370 million).

At the time of writing, the market value of Montanana’s stake stands at an impressive R1.31 billion ($71.9 million), a considerable increase from $986.8 million ($54.28 million) at the beginning of the year.

This notable growth not only solidifies Montanana’s position as one of the richest investors on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange but also establishes him as one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country.

Jens Montanana, the founder of Datatec in 1986, holds a 14.06-percent stake in the company.

Under his visionary leadership, Datatec has successfully expanded its operations across more than 50 countries, offering specialized ICT solutions and services, including software and cloud computing solutions like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

This recent surge in the market value of Montanana’s stake in Datatec marks yet another triumph for the South African tech magnate.

In 2022, he received a special dividend of £16.18 million ($17.91 million) directly from the group’s initial consideration received from the sale of Analysys Mason to UK fund manager Bridgepoint Development Capital.