Business as usual as St. Kitts and Nevis choose a new prime minister and a majority government

This CBI-focus feature is sponsored and provided by The Fairway Group.

On Aug. 6, the day following the national elections, the Leader of the winning party, Dr. Terrance Drew was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis.

As one of his first acts as Prime Minister, Prime Minister Drew declared Mon., Aug. 8, a national holiday in celebration of the victory of his party – The St. Kitts and Nevis Labour Party.

The declaration of a national holiday following the conclusion of elections is a long-standing tradition on the Twin-Island Federation.

In 2017, now former Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris announced that his administration would continue to institute best practices in governance and eliminate corruption and reduce inefficiency.

Dr. Harris, until a couple of months ago, was the leader of a coalition government between the Peoples Labour Party, the Peoples Action Movement and the Concerned Citizens Movement out of Nevis.

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew sweeps into power with a majority government replacing the Unity coalition government that held power until a recent Motion Of No Confidence (MONC) led to the dissolution of that government.

The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis has a single National Assembly responsible for making laws. The Assembly is unicameral in nature and is comprised of 14 to 15 members. Eleven of these are Representatives are elected by the constituents of both islands. The other two or three members are Senators appointed by the Governor General – two to three belonging to the majority and one belonging to the opposition.

These administrative divisions are based on geographical regions of the island – eight in St Kitts and three in Nevis.

Nevis has some degree of autonomy and has its own Island Assembly, its own Premier and even Deputy Governor General stationed on the island. The National Assembly, however, is responsible for overall policy implementation but the Government acknowledges the constitutional rights of Nevisians to determine their future independence including secession.

Even with the change of Government, the Lagos Concierge Agent for The Fairway Group was still able to receive five passports on behalf of their excited clients. These were received at the physical address of Ayinde Akinmade Street off Admiralty Way in Lekki less than one week after they were shipped from the St. Kitts office.

The Fairway Group expects a smooth and seamless transition under the new government.
Although St. Kitts and Nevis will be enjoying a national day of celebration Carl Walwyn (Sales and Marketing Manager) is still available for one one confidential sessions in Lagos and Abuja.
Managing Director Donna Walwyn will be available via phone and email at our St Kitts office.

The Nigeria phone number is +234 801 147 6092 and weekend appointments are available for those who find it difficult to leave their businesses during the week for confidential consultations.

The Fairway Group

The Fairway Group is a Real Estate Development Company offering Citizenship By Investment application services on the island of St Kitts in the West Indies.